Payment Methods Accepted
**All of the below are accepted as "CASH PRICE" payment methods**
Business / Personal Check
Debit or Credit Card
**NEW** Customer Account Portal - see our home page
**We apologize, but we are no longer accepting ACH payments.
Payment Programs for 2024-2025 Heating Season
Pre-buy is available to purchase May 1 through October 31. We offer a Prebuy Program (also known as Price Protection Program) for those that prefer to "lock in" their price for the winter, by securing their gallons at a fixed price with a contract. For more information on our programs, please see below. Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact our office at 603-239-6721 or email Thank you.
2024-2025 Heating Season
New Hampshire / Massachusetts / Vermont Residents:
Please contact our office for pricing on Pre-buy Heating Oil or Kerosene.
Pre-Buy Pricing is available - call us today!
Minimum of 400 gallons.
**Pre-buy with Downside Protection: Add $0.35/gallon for downside protection

Please contact our office for Pre-buy Pricing, and to set up your Prebuy Contract - ONLY
Pre-Buy Pricing is available - call us today!
Call today 603-239-6721 or email!
With a Prebuy Program, you lock in a pre-season rate, guaranteeing that your price per gallon will not increase, despite what happens with the market. You make a single up-front payment, specifying the number of gallons you wish to purchase. Once your reserved prebuy gallons are delivered in full, the additional gallons will be billed at our current market price per gallon, for the remainder of the season.
For more information / FAQ regarding the Prebuy Program, click here.
Terms of Price Protection Agreement: The Pre-buy Programs offered above are guaranteed with a signed contract. Please note that in the event the pricing fluctuates (increases or decreases), after a Pre-buy contract is signed, the pricing on the signed contract will hold. The market conditions at this time are extremely volatile. Please understand that by entering into a contract, there shall be no refunds made for Pre-buy Contracts, Budgets, or any other Payment Agreement entered into. By committing to a Price Protection Program, the customer agrees to purchase all of the gallons of heating oil secured with their contract. As we are required to purchase all of the gallons of heating oil from our supplier, we require our customers to do the same. To ensure that you won't have excess gallons, please only secure a quantity that you are confident that you will use. To help you determine the amount that you should contract, we can provide our customers will their previous years' usage. In the event you are a new customer with us, we would recommend locking in the 400 gallon minimum to start.
**Automatic delivery is required with our Price Protection Programs. In the event that there are extenuating circumstances, please contact our office and we will discuss the best option for you. By committing to our Price Protection Program, our customers are agreeing to not purchase fuel from another supplier. Our minimum delivery is 100 gallons, please understand that your delivery may be delayed to ensure that you reach 100 gallons minimum. We operate on a calendar day schedule (in lieu of degree day).
Once all of the gallons, secured with a Pre-buy contract, are delivered in full, the price per gallon is subject to change. The customer will receive the market price at the time of delivery. Customers can track their remaining credit throughout the heating season, by seeing the office's notation on their delivery tickets, indicating "Pre-buy credit before delivery".
Pre-buy funds cannot be used towards Service, until the contract term has expired.
In the event a customer terminates their contract, during the contract term, an early termination fee will apply.
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office 603-239-6721 or email
Budget Program:
To help our customers structure a household budget, we offer a monthly Budget Program. We begin by estimating the number of gallons that we anticipate that you'll use over the course of a year. Using a conservative price per gallon, we approximate the total annual heating cost for your home.
This cost is divided out over a 10-month period, giving you a monthly budget payment. Budget contracts can begin June through August, and run over a 10-month period. For Budget contracts, a minimum of 400 gallons must be used throughout the heating season.
Customers may ask why we begin the program in the summer months, when the weather is warm and the usage is down. This allows our customers to build up a credit balance going into the heating season. Using a Budget Program allows our customers to avoid large heating oil bills due within 10 days, as well as enables our customers to use extra monthly funds for unexpected or holiday expenses. For more information, please contact our office.
Daily Price with 10 Day Terms:
Here at Bob's Fuel we offer 2 different daily market prices to our customers.
With an established account, we offer our customers 10 day payment terms. Our suppliers require that we pay for our heating oil within 10 days, therefore we hold the same terms with our customers.
The "10 Day" Price is $0.10/gallon more than our Daily "Cash Price".
Daily “Cash Price”:
Our "Cash Price" is always $0.10/gallon lower than our "10 Day" price. With our cash price, the payment is required to be paid by the day of delivery or the next business day.
New customers are required to pay for their oil deliveries up front, using cash, check, debit or credit.
Save money on your deliveries by paying COD!!
Our Pre-Buy Guarantee
Since 1985, Bob's Fuel has been guaranteeing friendly and reliable customer service!
When offering our Pre-buy Programs, we guarantee that all gallons have been secured with a signed contract, through our reputable suppliers. The pre-buy funds received from our customers are deposited into a separate bank account, guaranteeing that we will always be able to provide you with the fuel that you have prepaid for.
If a commitment has been made to our customers, you have our promise that it will be honored.
As the heating oil market becomes more volatile, we are constantly brainstorming ways to help our customers save money, while always receiving great customer service!
Fuel Assistance
New Hampshire:
Southwestern Community Services
63 Community Way
PO Box 603
Keene, NH 03431
(603) 352-7512
Find more information for New Hampshire Fuel Assistance HERE
SEVCA - Southeastern Vermont Community Action
91 Buck Drive
Westminster, VT 05158
(802) 722-4575
Find more information for Vermont Fuel Assistance HERE
FCAC Community Action
377 Main Street
Greenfield, MA 01301
(413) 774-2310
Find more information for Massachusetts Fuel Assistance HERE